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Velocity 8 DSP/Amplifier

Velocity 8 DSP/Amplifier

Luis Parra |



Attention! Save Yourself Some Headache and Pay Attention to All of Our Very Harley Specific Instructions.

Not all information found in the Match M5.4DSP manual (manual in the DSP box) will apply to a Harley installation. The Velocity 8 is heavily modified and customized Helix/Match brand M5.4DSP, and is setup to operate differently than a standard M5.4DSP. Therefore it is critical that you follow all of our carefully laid out installation information. The original Match M5.4DSP instruction manual is included with your Velocity 8 kit only as additional reference material but should not be your primary installation guide.

Contact American Hard Bag directly for all Harley installation support. Helix/Match supports their product but they do not support our Velocity 8 modifications and Harley applications. Harley systems are American Hard Bag’s domain. After all, we are the Harley experts.

Contact us at 1(888) 311-0016

Or Email us at customerservice@americanhardbag.com



 The Velocity 8 can be described as an amplified DSP but that description is far short of what the Velocity 8 is actually capable of doing. 

  • Integrated Laboratory Grade input Audio analyzer

  • Integrated Input EQ (that overlays the audio analyzer)

  • Automated Eq for All Channels (it sets its F***ing self!)

  • Automated Time Alignment 

  • Integrated Input Distortion Detector For Setting Input Gain

  • Integrated Output Distortion Detector For Setting Output Gain

  • Integrated Acoustic Analyzer for Speakers (RTA)

  • Integrated Programmable Amplifier Turn On and Turn Off Circuit 

  • Integrated Radio Load Compensation (programmable) 

  • Virtual Processing for Advanced Tuning Abilities

  • Dynamic Bass Enhancement for Highway Performance

  • Stage Expander

  • Clarity Expander 

 The key difference between the Velocity 8 and all other DSP units is that the Velocity 8 allows anyone to perform a tested and verified tune instead of a theoretical tune. A standard DSP allows you to input your settings which are all just best guesses and based in theory. Even for a professional. The Velocity 8 is so well equipped with integrated test equipment that your tune ends up very precise and always verified down to the finest detail. The Velocity 8 is the perfect solution for anyone who needs perfection. Due to the PC connection and optional acoustic (microphone) kit, you can always do a support call if you get stuck and we at American Hard Bag can step you through most any situation via a remote PC session over the internet. We can see and control your entire bike system right here from our offices in California.