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DSR1 - How to Upload a Setup File from Text or Email

DSR1 - How to Upload a Setup File from Text or Email

Kenneth Saguban |

How to Upload a New Tune to Your Rockford Ford Fosgate DSR1 via Email or Text


One of the best features of the DSR1 is that it has the ability to upload a file with all of the crossover and EQ settings via text or email. This means that you can have a second person send you a setup file from anywhere in the world. You can also save multiple setup files to your smartphone or save them on your PC via email for later use.

Note: You can also simply navigate to our file download page and download files we have created for the most common Harley radios that have not been flashed. You can find the download page here. 


In this article I will explain how this is done. There are some things to know that will save you a lot of time. Before you even start, make sure that you have already downloaded the Rockford Perfect Tune app onto your phone.


What Happens When You Upload a New Setup File


The setup file will overwrite all settings in the DSR1. This includes both the input/output setup as well as the EQ and crossover settings.


Warning! The only setting that the new setup file cannot change for you is the high level/RCA level setting. This is  a hard switch on the side of the unit. If you are using an aftermarket radio with RCA type outputs you should choose “Low Level RCA Input”. If you are using a factory radio you should use “High Level Input”.


How to load a setup file via text.


Open the text message with the file. Apple devices have a security feature that will not let you simply tap on the setup file to open it. Instead you will want to go to that text and then tap the info icon in the upper right corner of the screen.


This will take you to a screen where you can view attachments and pics from a text thread. Click on “Attachments” and then tap on the Rockford setup file. You can then tap the export options icon.


This will allow you to choose which program you would like to use to open the file. Choose “Import with Perfect Tune”.



Importing a setup file will save the file to the app and allow you to store it there. You can optionally choose to edit the name and description of the file. Whenever we make a file for a customer we leave a detailed description in the file info.


Loading the New File


In the preset manager tap the options icon (second icon - bottom left).


This will give you the choice to upload to the DSR1.


Uploading will overwrite your current settings. So if you want you can save your current setup first. Then upload the new file to the DSR1.


Uploading Via Email


The procedure for email is essentially the same. When you open the setup file in an email you will be presented with a bunch of code. Just like with the text upload you will want to tap the options icon at the top right corner of your screen and choose to open the file with Rockford Perfect Tune.