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DSR1 Setup Files

DSR1 Setup Files

Kenneth Saguban |

Here you will find DSR1 setup files. These files include the device setup (input) and equalization that is very specific to '14 and up Harley Davidson factory radios.


These setup files are not to be used with flashed factory radios or aftermarket radios. Aftermarket radios do not require an EQ compensation file and if you are going to have your factory radio flashed you should be using The Rockford flash an skip using the files below. We always recommend flashing your bike, but these files will make an unflashed bike that originally came with just two speakers in the fairing and no factory amplifiers sound and perform much better. Input, and output settings have all been made for you. This will get you up and going much faster.


Don't cheat yourself! The DSR1 has a ton of tuning potential. If you want to get the most out of your DSR1, read our "Definitive guide to the DSR1" here. 


Read our guide to uploading the DSR1 setup files here for information about how to use these files with your smartphone.


Attention: If you experience trouble opening the files below when selecting Perfectune on your smartphone, download the file and email it to yourself. Then open the file in the email with Perfectune on your smartphone. We have found this to be a good workaround for phones that want to be fussy about opening the file.




For '14 through '18 bikes with the Infotainment system (both screen sizes) that still have the 2 speaker no amplifier flash (standard flash).This file is for setting up your DSR1 for 2 channels of input and 6 channels of output. 6 channels of output are enabled but you can switch that to 8 channels if you need.


For '14-Up Ultra's with the Infotainment system (both screen sizes) that still have the 4 speaker no amplifier flash (standard flash).This file is for setting up your DSR1 for 4 channels of input and 6 channels of output. 6 channels of output are enabled but you can switch that to 8 channels if you need.




This file is specific to the new '19 through '20 GTS radio (touchscreen without buttons).This file is for setting up your DSR1 for 2 channels of input and 6 channels of output. 6 channels of output are enabled but you can switch that to 8 channels if you need.




This file is for any factory radio that has been flashed with the Rockford tune. Equalization is setup for Velocity Speaker Design RZ75H Horns and MSPRO65 mids in the fairing, Velocity R690s and Velocity Speaker Design RZ75H in the lids. This file compensates for these specific speakers.






Or any factory amplifiers. Ultras, CVOs, and all bikes that have more than just the fairing speakers or that have any Harley amplifiers should be taken to a local service center with the correct flashing equipment for a reflash. There are two flash options. 1. Flash your bike for 2 speakers and no amp (standard flash) and then use one of the files that you can download here. 2. Flash your bike for 8 speakers and two amplifiers using the Techno Research flashing system. Other systems including the Harley Davidson system may not get you the results you are looking for. Harley dealerships are not supposed flash your bike for you without purchasing their equipment anyway (corporate policy) . This is the flattest EQ response when not using a DSR1 to get that response first. With the 8 speaker and two amplifier flash the fader on the radio will not function. The fading ability is a function of the factory amplifiers with this flash. So signal from the radio to the DSR1 only needs to come from the front radio outputs to the front inputs of the DSR1. The DSR1 can then be used to get you up to 8 channels of output and 31 band EQs for each of the 8 outputs.


Bikes that originally came with just 2 speakers and no amp and that have not already been reflashed for some other configuration should be left alone (not flashed). Using one of the files above with a DSR1 will get you to within 1 db +/-. That is more accurate than even the 8 speaker/two amplifier flash. 


Signal Harness Required

An American Hard Bag signal harness is required when using our DSR1 setup files. The factory radio output will have high frequency distortion if our signal harnesses are not used to properly load the radio outputs when using a DSR1.  The high frequency distortion may or may not be audible, but it is very hard on the radio's power supply and it tends to cause speaker failure. Particularly tweeter failure. Signal harnesses can be found here.